Friday, 5 April 2013

The anticipated 20th anniversary...

I'm aware that many - if not most - of my visitors got here through the keywords "Brandon Lee's 20th anniversary of death" (or its many varieties.) The keywords landed them on one of my posts on Brandon Lee which dates back to circa October 2011, which I published in the wake of "The Crow" remake that was scheduled to be released this year. In the post, I wrote that I suspected "The Crow" remake would be released to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Brandon Lee's death.

March 31 2013 marked said 20th anniversary.

On April 1 1993, I was nine years old and staying at The Hyatt Regency in Surabaya, East Java. I was having breakfast with my family when my dad gasped at a piece of news in a local newspaper that read, "Bruce Lee's Son Takes A Bullet." Thus began my 20-year long, on-and-off celebrity crush on the son of Bruce Lee.

If you're familiar with Brandon Lee tidbits such as his interviews and documentaries on YouTube, I'm sure you've noticed that most of the time it's his mother Linda Lee and former operatic soprano sister Shannon Lee who talk about Brandon. It's very rare that you get other people's account on Brandon. This 20th anniversary, someone who was very lucky to have dated (yes, DATED) Brandon opens up to the world and gives a side of Brandon that no one has ever known. Shannon Bradley-Colleary has summed up her one full year of a relationship with Brandon in this long post, which some of you might find cheesy but if you're a semi hardcore fan of Brandon like me, you'll find it's worth the scrolling.

Oh yeah, and next time you type "Brandon Lee's 20th death anniversary" or something like that on Google, you'll land on this post instead of the other, older one that's actually more about "The Crow" remake.

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