Monday, 23 November 2009

The Taylors...

On a recent Ellen DeGeneres show country songstress Taylor Swift talked about how the first name she shared with co-star Taylor Lautner (of The New Moon fame, of course) caused a lot of confusion on the set of their movie Valentine's Day. T. Swift said she came up with the solution of allowing everyone on the set to call her "Swiftly" and Lautner "Taylor".

And that's not the first time Taylor Lautner worked with a female Taylor. In 2005, Lautner co-starred alongside Taylor Dooley in The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3D. Bet it caused just as much confusion on the set!

Would be interesting to see Lautner work with yet another female Taylor in his next project. Yep, I'm thinking Taylor Momsen.

1 comment:

  1. sorry dah 4bulanan ga blogging..
    baru liat skarang neh..
    lo ada FB//gw slalu OL disitu..
    kaos masih kegedean,bu..
