Thursday, 29 July 2010


Been revamping my old Diaryland blog for the sake of giving the people checking my archive there a bit of an eye candy. Nearly ready, check it out here. Next, the front page of my Diaryland archive, then the "goodbye" page of my Pitas archive. Lots of work.

For those who haven't noticed the change in the "about Isyana" section, I've been accepted into The University of Indonesia's postgraduate studies in International Relations, where I'll focus on Terrorism. Sweet! I never really intend to go back to UI, I never really prayed for it (except when the entrance exam was about to begin.) Instead I kept on praying (still do, actually) to get that coveted job as an Administration and Research Officer at The Embassy of New Zealand, for which I've been interviewed twice, to qualify for a Master's degree at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore (one of their entry requirements is at least a year of experience in a field related to International Relations.) I guess this God's plan, and I'm a firm believer that God knows best.

Besides, Terrorism sounds pretty fun. S. Rajaratnam doesn't have this specialization. My NZ almamater, The University of Auckland, doesn't have it either. I think not many schools in the world have a Terrorism specialization and standing out from the crowd is still one of my strongest suits.

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